Beginner’s Guide On How To Catch Fish Regardless of how and where you fish, there are certain fundamental fishing advice for novices that all anglers should be aware of. You may have lately realized how much fun freshwater fishing can be, or perhaps some recent buzz around saltwater fishing has hooked you on the sport.

Due to lack of access to a saltwater coastline, few novices are taught saltwater fishing from the beginning. Consequently, freshwater lake fishing is a more popular way for novice anglers to get their boat fishing license. Many SUP anglers who are just starting out also like lake fishing.

Bait fishing is fundamentally a very easy fishing technique. After catching something tiny, you set it aside and try to capture something larger.

In order to blend in with their surroundings, fish prefer to hide under overhanging banks, among submerged rocks and trees, and in broken water. Look for these traits and get casting; they present your best chance of hitting it.

These ten strategies and pointers can assist you in achieving your goals.

1. Colors of Fishing Lure

Colors of Fishing Lure Liquid color should be matched to the water color. As a general rule of thumb,colors of fishing lure start by selecting lures that match the color of the water. However, you should always try changing colors when you’re not catching fish because you never know exactly what color lures the fish will like on any given day.

  • Lime or chartreuse is typically a great choice in green water.
  • In crystal-clear water, aim for pearl or white.
  • In water that has tannic stains, root beer will frequently yield positive results.

2. Fishing Lure Sizes & Shapes Basic Fishing Equipment

Fishing Lure Sizes & Shapes Basic Fishing Equipment Select fishing lure sizes and shapes basic fishing equipment and shapes so that you may “match the hatch.” A little, thin spoon that is the same size and shape as those baitfish will frequently be deadly when predators are feeding on a school of small, thin fish, such as anchovies; whereas, a five-inch lure with a large body may very well escape detection. In this case, profile and length are typically the most important characteristics because your target may be more interested in the size and form of the dominant bait and overlook alternative offerings.

3. Properly Sizing Fishing Equipment

Properly Sizing Fishing Equipment Invest in properly sizing fishing equipment that fits the species of fish you intend to catch; avoid purchasing rods and reels that are too big or too little. The four-pound class ultralight casting reel, which is perfect for tossing micro-jigs to black crappie, but too light to handle a largemouth bass, and the 12-pound class casting reel you love using for bass is just too hefty for tossing the tiny jigs and spinners that black crappie prefers to hit. For either task, middle-of-the-road equipment won’t work well. Invest on equipment that is appropriate for the species you are hunting, rather than attempting to make do.


4. Disregarding

Disregarding If you decide to try trolling, which involves slowly moving the boat while towing lures behind it, be sure the lures are swimming realistically by holding them next to the boat and watching them before you pull the lines. Try picking up a little speed if they appear sluggish.

On the other hand, reduce the throttle if they appear agitated. This will assist you in determining the optimal boat speed and prevent you from inadvertently deploying a lure that is clogged, broken, or not swimming correctly. 

5. Fishing Line Selecting an appropriate fishing line

Fishing line selecting an appropriate fishing line Make sure you make an informed choice when selecting fishing line, as there are numerous varieties and brands available. Read Freshwater Fishing Tackle and Saltwater Fishing Lines to learn more about the various types you can select from. Generally speaking, braid lines are excellent for lure fishing due to their high sensitivity and strong hook-setting ability, whereas monofilament line is better suited for situations when fish are nibbling on baits due to their reduced sensitivity and slight stretch.

6. The Ideal Time of Day to Go Fishing

The ideal time of day to go fishing Don’t fish late; fish early. Many fish species attack best in ambient sunshine at dawn and dusk. Cloud cover can make for better fishing during the midday hours; in bright sunlight, especially in the summer heat, seek out spots with shade. Similar to humans, fish tend to seek for shade during hot, sunny days and become more active during chilly hours of the day.

7. Currents & Tides

Currents and tides When choosing a time to go fishing, take into account not only the time of day but also the currents and tides if you’re fishing in saltwater. Saltwater fish feeding patterns are greatly influenced by the tides’ ebb and flow. For further information on this subject, see The Secrets of Tide Fishing.

8. Pointy Hooks

Points hooks always sharpen your old hooks or use new ones. Even though it seems like obvious sense, a lot of people still go fishing every day with dull, rusty hooks. Are they going to catch any fish? Perhaps. But without a doubt, if they made sure every hook they were using was as sharp as the day it was created, they would catch a lot more fish.

9. Drag on Reel

Adjust the drag on your reel using a scale. A correctly set drag is essential because it lets a fish take line rather than tugging against it until it breaks. The majority of folks, in all honesty, just tug on the line until it “feels right.” That’s not a good enough replacement for the recommended setup of tying your line to a hand scale and adjusting the drag to one-third of the rated breaking strength.

10. Conduct Research

Make your pre-fishing homework. There are subtle differences amongst fishing approaches, and there are a plethora of tips and tricks that are unique to a certain fish species or fishing technique. To find out more, read these articles about fishing advice.


For thousands of years, people have fished to provide sustenance for their families and communities. Fish is the primary source of protein for one billion people worldwide.

Fishermen use manual collection methods, spearing, netting, angling, and trapping. Other aquatic animals including mollusks, cephalopods, crabs, and echinoderms can be caught using the term “fishing.” Fish raised for food is not typically referred to by this word.

Wearing clothing you don’t mind getting dirty is highly advised. Your clothes will most likely have blood, fish slime, and saltwater on them, so be ready for this. Fishing garments that are stain- and waterproof-resistant are the best option.

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